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Hello! I'm living in Bratislava for a while now, but my Slovak is not very good; this is why I'm searching for an instructor who can teach me how to ride the motorcycle, capable of speaking at least a bit of English! |
Papy - more difficult than to find slovak instructor who speaks EN is passing exams if you speak EN only - tests are in slovak language only as far as I know... Upravené 2 krát. Naposledy upravil fredy137 (02.06.2011 12:30) |
@fredy137 - I believe that the exam can be taken with a translator/interpreter. Someone did this in Brno - they paid an interpreter who translated from CZ to EN and it was OK. But my problem is with learning how to ride the "thing". |
Hi, |
The test itself is, or better said, should be no problem at all, you can take an official interpreter with you, who will do the interpeteing/translating for you. An interpreter can be /should be/ has to be/ called to any official proceedings, such as marriages, interrogations /trials, among which, theoretically, also official tests should count. Upravené 1 krát. Naposledy upravil eNeM (02.06.2011 13:16) |
Another issue is the scope of classes you have to take when already having a valid drivers license of another category (e.g. B, C). I have inquired in some schools, where they were willing to accept that I already have the theoretical training and would only have to do the practical training (as I only have a motorcycle license, my question was whether I was obliged to take part on also the theory classes, due to the fact that I am an active driver/rider for now almost 10 years) but would have to again take both tests, theory and practical - driving. Upravené 1 krát. Naposledy upravil eNeM (02.06.2011 13:29) |
Yes, I can "indirectly" confirm it. My sister has B and if she wanted A, she would have to do both the theoretical and practical exam. Even worse, if she failed the theoretical exam, she would lose the B category as well! At least that's what she told me, but maybe it's just some rumor to scare people |
Thanks for your answers, eNeM, Pyorailija! Much appreciated. |
I managed to find via google a driving school, unfortunately in Košice, who offer also classes in English: |
Thank youuuuuu! Will drop them an e-mail right away |
my fault Upravené 1 krát. Naposledy upravil risomas (02.06.2011 15:34) |
Papy01> U r in country where money do the work. Upravené 1 krát. Naposledy upravil dando (03.06.2011 9:07) |
@dando: Yeah, thanks. I will do this as an ultimate solution! |
Papy: Don't listen to dando, I think that 50e and a smile will do the work. Save those 50e for police officer, just to be sure. |
You can request for English tests on the exams if you want to... I made them in Hungarian language in Velky Krtis just because it fitted me better. I got tests in Hungarian but I had to pass the oral exams too and they were in Slovak. So this can be a problem for you but hope you will find a solution |
V pič. to je.Najprv nas jebu madari z ciganmi a teraz aby sme sa na Slovensku učili už aj po Anglicky.Som na motoride,či? |
what the hell is this |
davtex: I am not planning to do that; I said it would be like an ultimate solution - which will probably not going to happen. |
pan ucitel daj si pokoj s jazdou na slovensku lebo tu je ina jungla a mozes si aj ublizit |
Papy - I don't know, what gabo meant by 'oral exam', but the driving license course is as follows: |
My practical test (last year) consist only from drive on parking place because it was raining. But my instructor said that he usually drive in traffic with students ahead of car with policeman and another student taking exam on B class. |
I meant maintenance. It is still part of the exam isn't it? It was so many years ago |
maintenance is not a part of the exam anymore. |
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