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Strieľanie do výfuku-dotaz - Diskusné fórum - Moto poradňa

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Pridaj novú diskusiuStrieľanie do výfuku-dotaz - Diskusné fórum - Moto poradňa

OO Zruš sledovanie Pridaj nový príspevok 
17.05.2008 9:29

Strieľanie do výfuku-dotaz

Je ok keď pri dobrzďovaní motorom napr. dole kopcom na dvestopäťdesiatkovom skútre so vstrekovaním jemne strieľa do výfuku? Nie je to nič hlasné, ale to je asi tým, že ten výfuk je dosť tichý.

17.05.2008 9:43

Re: Strieľanie do výfuku-dotaz

Bohatá zmes.

17.05.2008 10:24

Re: Strieľanie do výfuku-dotaz

jj ale to je íčko tam nič nespravím. a nezatvára sa náhodou íčko pri pustenom plyne?

17.05.2008 10:40

Re: Strieľanie do výfuku-dotaz



A co ked to je I-cko. To zas take "I"nteligentne nie je aby sa to nemuselo nastavovat.

17.05.2008 15:21

Re: Strieľanie do výfuku-dotaz

Darca Krvi  Turista 


Sten: snad anglilctina nie je problem...je tu vsetko....a dal som ti to sem preto ze mas takeho krasneho avatara...apropo kde nam zmizol pan bufetar? :-D :-D

Engine Backfiring

Backfires in Exhaust.

It is normal for many high performance exhaust systems to moderately backfire or pop when the throttle is closed from mid-to-high rpm. In fact, one should expect a well-tuned high performance engine to "pop" and "crackle" when the throttle is closed at high rpm.The popping is a result of the air/fuel mixture becoming very lean when the throttle is closed and the engine is rotating well above idle speed. It is also necessary that the exhaust system have rather open mufflers for this to occur.

Why This (normally) Happens:

1) When the throttle valve is in the idle position, fuel does not flow out of the main system (needle, needle jet, main jet). Fuel is only delivered to the engine by the pilot (idle) system.

2) The combined effect of the closed throttle and elevated engine rpm is to create a fairly strong vacuum in the intake manifold. This vacuum, in turn, causes a high air flow rate through the small gap formed by the throttle valve and carburetor throat.

3) Under these conditions the pilot (idle) system cannot deliver enough fuel to create a normal, combustible air/fuel ratio. The mixture becomes too lean to burn reliably in the combustion chamber. It gets sent into the exhaust system unburned and collects there.

4) When the odd firing of the lean mixture does occur, it is sent, still burning, into the exhaust system where it sometimes ignites the raw mixture that has collected ---- the exhaust then pops or backfires

Other possible causes:

Air Leaks:

Any source of fresh air into the exhaust system can create or worsen the conditions that bring about exhaust popping. The most common entry point is the junction of the header pipes and mufflers. Even a small air leak can dramatically increase the intensity or likelihood of exhaust system popping.A high temperature silicone sealant, as can be found in many auto parts stores, may be used to seal the pipe/muffler junction.

Lean Carburetion:

While exhaust system popping may be considered normal, it is certainly made worse by an overly lean idle circuit.Be sure that your carburetor's pilot jet is the correct size and that the idle air mixture screw is correctly adjusted before looking for other causes of popping. The procedure for adjusting the pilot circuit is covered in the Tuning Manual.

Ignition:If exhaust system popping is very loud, irregular and accompanied by loss of power, then you should suspect that the ignition system is not performing as it should. If, for some reason, the ignition sometimes fires at the wrong time, then exhaust popping can become very energetic (loud). Look for failing high tension leads (plug wires), failing ignition coil(s) and especially switches or connectors as possible causes.

zdroj> www.kawieriders.com/engine_backfiring.htm ;-)

Upravené 1 krát. Naposledy upravil prevo1 (17.05.2008 15:23)

17.05.2008 16:00

Re: Strieľanie do výfuku-dotaz

Ty môj milý prevo1 prepláchnem ti hrubé črevo. Nie som žiadny kár, som ja ujo bufetár. Ale neviem po anglicky a nemám rád ženské cicky. Neskúšaj tu na mňa triky ponúknem ti pagáčiky. Pekné teplé rovno z rúry ešte sa mi z nej kúri. Teplý kúpel, veľká chata prídi pozvem strýka, brata. A potom ťa vytočím-na doraz, na plný plyn. Nezabere ani omedzovač, vyprášim ti z r.ti chrobač. NIE SOM SÍCE MOTOR-KÁR ALE UJKO BUFETÁR!

17.05.2008 16:19

Re: Strieľanie do výfuku-dotaz



[dobre] :-D

17.05.2008 16:32

Re: Strieľanie do výfuku-dotaz



teeplee piivoo studenee paarky :-)))

17.05.2008 19:52

Re: Strieľanie do výfuku-dotaz

Darca Krvi  Turista 


Sten> :-O :-O ... ty prasa! ...daj si to prelozit niekomu kto vie po anglicky a ma chut na pagaciky, mne uz presla! :-D :-P :-P :-D

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