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Motoride Klub - Profil člena - bulletcolt

Login: bulletcolt Offline

Meno: Wayne Briggs
Môj štýl: Bahniak - tiež Bahnomil. Blato mi nesmrdí, asfalt zas nevonia...
Motorka: Alfer SPORT
Mesto: New york city, new york, united states (Thajsko)
Čas registrácie: 28.11.2023 08:39
Posledne prihlásený: 28.11.2023 08:40

Niečo o sebe:

Eggy Car has a unique way of arranging its graphics. The game's pictures move slowly so they don't get in the way of the player's vision. Another thing that makes this game more lively and appealing to players is how well the sound and light work together. The game is meant to be fun for people of all ages, but especially for kids. This game not only helps players relax and feel better, but it also helps them get better at being creative and sensitive in real life.
join now: eggycar.co


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